Q: "My husband is going to be with me… do I still need a doula?"
A: I believe that dads and doulas together provide total support to a laboring woman. Your husband can experience the birth in his own terms, without feeling like he has to have every book on childbirth memorized. See Dads & Doulas.
Q: "What if I get an epidural?"
A: A doula provides continuous support to you and your partner at your birth. Birth is Birth! Having a doula may help you with an epidural because…
Epidurals block most of the intense contractions of labor, but do not relieve the pressure that builds as it’s closer to time to push.
Labor may progress too quickly to receive an epidural.
You may need to wait for the anesthesiologist and I help you get through that time.
Even after the epidural, it’s 20-30 minutes before full relief.
Sometimes the epidural does not “take” on both sides.
The deleterious effects of epidural pain relief are largely mitigated by waiting until you are at least 5cm dilated to get it; my support can get you there.
From the time the epidural is placed until your baby is in your arms, there continue to be questions; I can provide answers.
A doula helps you by providing:
Relaxation techniques
Pain relief management
Continuous support to both you and your partner
An epidural does not:
suggest position changes
reposition the peanut ball
answer your questions
feed you honey and hard candy for energy
offer you juice, water, and ice chips
massage your hands, scalp, shoulders, and acupressure points
keep you company
Q: "What if I have a Caesarean birth?"
A: Most hospitals allow two people to accompany the birthing mother into the operating room. I continue to provide information, reassurance, and support throughout your birth. In an unplanned Caesarean, there are a lot of questions and emotions. I have the experience, time, and patience to help. After the birth of your baby, the father/partner often plans to accompany the baby to the nursery, leaving the mom alone during this incredibly vulnerable time. I am told that my continuous presence is truly comforting.
For breastfeeding mom, I help establish breastfeeding in the first so-called “Golden Hour” — while mom is in the recovery room!
Q: "May I speak with some of your previous clients?"
A: Absolutely! References are available by telephone and also here on my website. See From Clients.
Q: "Do you take my blood pressure and check other vital signs?"
A: No, I do not perform medical tasks. My services include emotional, physical, and psychological support.
Q: "What if you are with another woman when I go into labor?"
A: I work with other highly trained, qualified, and certified doulas to provide continuous and seamless support for my clients before, during, and after your birth. You will be given contact information for your back-up doula so that you may speak with her prenatally, and reach her at any time after.
“It was extremely useful to work with Lynn. We would never have been able to have labored at home for as long as we did without Lynn’s guidance and support.”
“I felt like my birth team was like being on “The Farm” surrounded by my husband and caring supportive women. P.S. thanks for the clementines, too!”
“The birth story was well done and very detailed. It definitely warms my heart and takes me right back to that amazing journey and beautiful moment when my baby was born. Everyone needs a birth story like that.”
“Your presence allowed me to be fully supportive of my wife, without the anxiety that I would either not know what to do or do something wrong. You were a wonderful addition to our birth experience.”