Birth Doula Services
Postpartum Doula Services
Lamaze Childbirth Education Classes
“Having a doula is essential! I honestly can’t imagine having gone through my VBAC without you! From the foot massages that helped me through each contraction to the soothing peppermint scents but most of all your help in talking through what was happening… that I could do it. I will never forget the feeling of accomplishment, relief, and awe that we had a successful VBAC.”
“A doula is necessary to help keep you grounded and focused during labor. Having Lynn as our doula, our wishes for this birth were respected and advocated. We were relaxed during labor and birth and Lynn really took care of us. I couldn’t ask for more.”
A doula is a modern manifestation of an ancient tradition: women helping women in childbirth.
My labor philosophy: the less that is done, the better it is likely to go. I believe childbirth is a normal, natural, and healthy experience. Labor is hard – and you can do it! I bring 22 years’ experience, strength, and a calming presence to every birth. Above all, I provide non-judgmental support and evidence-based information so my clients make informed decisions.
“The four women chatted over my head when the pangs subsided, and cooed encouragement when the pains returned. They put fruit juice in my mouth, and wiped me down with sweetly scented towels... massaged my legs...”
Labour Day Doula Support provides birth doula services for families in
northern New Jersey (primarily Bergen, Hudson, Passaic, and Essex counties)
lower New York (Rockland and Westchester counties)
New York City
I believe that birth
is a healthy part of life, with or without medical intervention
is a positive experience
can be healing
is a passage for fathers
is an emergence, not an emergency
profoundly impacts parenting
influences breastfeeding success
I believe that women…
can birth the babies that their bodies grow
can experience VBAC safely
deserve to make informed choices throughout their pregnancies, labors, and births
In addition, I provide postpartum support on a select basis. I am also a Lamaze-certified childbirth educator providing private one-on-one classes.
“Until you are the woman on the bricks, you do not know the power that rises from other women.”
“Lynn knew I was pregnant again before my mom!”
“Thanks for all the patience, love, support, and great photos!”
Birth Doula Services
Labour Day Doula provides highly-experienced, non-judgmental, evidence-based support, and a calming presence at your birth.
Solo Practice with limited clients per month means personal one-to-one care
Prenatal Visits
On-Call 24/7 for You
Unlimited texts, phone, and email
Birth Preferences / Plan Assistance
Continuous Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum Support on your Birth Day
Hands-on Support honed through hundreds of labors and dozens of trainings
Casual Candids! (to capture those gone-in-an-instant moments)
Certified Lactation Counselor breastfeeding preparation and assistance
Postpartum Support
VBAC Support
Twins Support
Recommended Pregnancy and Birth Resources
Lending Library of DVDs and Books
Experienced Back-up Doula Support
Referrals for additional assistance, as needed
“If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any.”
Postpartum Doula Services
The Fourth Trimester. It refers to the first several months after the birth of your baby, when you get to know your baby, your baby gets to know you, and – especially if you’re having your first baby – your transition to Parenthood! Having a postpartum doula to help you through that wonderful Fourth Trimester leads to a more positive relationship with your baby and a calmer, more comfortable, and more confident mother.
A postpartum doula mothers the mother. A postpartum doula comes to your home and takes care of YOU, to help you care for your new baby. My services could include:
help with breastfeeding;
help with infant care including bathing and changing the baby;
help with umbilical cord care;
meal preparation;
light housework;
running errands;
fielding visitors;
helping with older siblings;
of course, a listening, experienced, and compassionate ear.
This list is not meant to be inclusive or comprehensive.
“The postpartum support was great. I continued to feel well supported during this time especially with breastfeeding. I absolutely LOVED the birth story. I appreciated the follow-ups via text and the timely response to my questions.”
Q: What is the difference between a postpartum doula and a baby nurse?
A: A baby nurse isn’t often a medical nurse (RN or LPN) at all. A baby nurse comes into the home to take care of the new baby, leaving you to care for yourself and everyone else in the family. A postpartum doula comes into the home to mother the mother, help her take care of the new baby, and the rest of the members of the family. I strive, ultimately, to work myself out of a job.
I consider postpartum doula support for families for whom I have provided birth doula services and families in the following towns:
New Milford
My initial 10-hour postpartum doula package includes:
1 one-hour prenatal visit
3 three-hour postpartum visits
Additional hours may be requested up front or during our time together and will be considered pending space available on my calendar.
“We really really lucked out that we got you, and you went above and beyond with everything. I look forward to recommending you to our friends.”
“I don’t know how anyone does it without you!”
“She’s awesome!”
“I couldn’t have done it without you. You were a source of great comfort, strength, and encouragement. I never felt you were pushing me in any particular direction when I was faced with major decisions. You really wanted my experience to be unique and work for me.”
Lamaze Childbirth Education
I am a certified Lamaze childbirth educator. My evidence-based childbirth classes are enhanced by my busy doula practice. My practical approach is relevant.
Lamaze celebrates and promotes physiologic birth as a normal life event!
I currently offer one-on-one private classes in-home for clients which cover:
physiology of pregnancy, labor, and birth
stages of labor
emotional aspects of pregnancy, labor, and birth
comfort measures for birth
interventions and medical aspects of birth, including epidurals and other pain medication
skin-to-skin contact and the newborn
postpartum emotions
your baby, your partner, and you!
For those needing a refresher, I offer a 2-3 hour Session.
Please Contact Me for more information.
“Even though this is your job, you have such a gift. Being a nurse, I understand not everyone can care for someone at such intimate and personal moments. It takes a special person. Your presence was of such value and your knowledge, priceless. We feel so blessed.”
“Lynn’s suggestions were precise, thoughtful, and just the right answers and reference materials were thorough without being overwhelming. I had a birth that was painless, serene, and filled with ecstatic joy – all at once! And I attribute Lynn’s preparation and support during the birth to this happy outcome.”